My Daniel

Daniel can now tell us that he is actually Daniel 🙂

He would say it in a funny way, something like “My – Daniel”, which is really interesting and sweet. But we are getting there!

By the way, in the nursery they were filling in some forms the other day, and Daniel’s first language was written down as English 🙂

Update on the kids

Some updates on how the kids are developing:

– Daniel can now say something that sounds like: “Papa me” which probably means “My Papa / My Daddy”. He would say it in response to a question that sounds like: “Am I your Papa?” – very impressed and quite chuffed 😉

– last week Samuel gave a hug to a baby from another room in the nursery (he’s in 1-2 and the baby was from 0-1) and called him a “baby” – quite strange to hear something like that from a person who’s 1.5 years old and who’s “second name” is Baby

– Samuel can now say “num num” when he sees pictures of food – super!

– Daniel and his Papa went to the movies for the first time ever last Saturday. Daniel managed to sit through the whole 80ish minutes, which was VERY impressive. Well, not sit through, of course, but at least BE in there and watch most of the movie. When Daniel got out of the cinema he started running and ran three or four circles just for the sake of it 🙂

Sammy's Adventure

Samuel’s progress

Samuel is making some amazing progress with pretty much everything. He’s a lively smilie little man with big blue eyes, curly hair, quite large ears 🙂 and nice smile! He loves his Mummy and Daddy and his big brother too, although they fight with each other from time to time.

Samuel managed to say something that sounded as: “sit down car” (or maybe it was “car sit down”) when we were getting the kids into the car last week.

He managed to climb up a big boys slide NOT using the steps but using the slippery side instead!

He also fought his big brother Daniel, holding his hair and bashing his head against Daniel’s on purpose over some toy – and he had won!!

A couple of recent videos of the little men: